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EMTL base source code is being prepared now. However, some parts of the code can be already downloaded from Basic utilities library ivutils.

Currently binary versions of EMTL base library are available compiled for Linux (gcc) and Windows (MS VS 2010). All necessary include files are also supplied in the corresponding archives.

To use the library you will need to install FFTW and (optionally) MPI libraries. The MPI version of EMTL is compiled against the mpi.h header provided by MPICH2.

Download archive with EMTL library: emtl.zip

The binary library and its interface should be sufficient for programming most basic FDTD simulations. If you still need to modify the source code, we can currently provide it under the terms of a separate license agreement with Kintech Lab. This agreement may be negotiated on a personal basis and generally implies that you are not planning to distribute the code (before it is made available for open access via this site) and you will refer to EMTL in your future publications. If you are interested, please email fdtd@kintechlab.com, present yourself and your organization and describe which capabilities you are planning to include to EMTL.

/var/www/fdtd.kintechlab.com/docs/data/pages/en/download.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/10 16:15 by valuev     Back to top