
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

en:installation [2012/10/15 20:49]
deinega [Content of EMTL archive]
en:installation [2017/04/10 17:18] (current)
valuev [Compilation on Windows (Visual Studio 2010)]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +======Installation ======
 +To use EMTL you need to 
 +  * download [[download|archive with EMTL]];
 +  * download [[ivutils|ivutils]] library and put it at the same directory with EMTL;
 +  * install FFTW (Fast Foirier Transformation) library [[http://www.fftw.org/download.html|FFTW]].
 +To use parallel EMTL version, you need MPI.  
 +For Windows you can use [[http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2/downloads/index.php?s=downloads |MPICH2]]. 
 +====== Installation of necessary components ======
 +===== FFTW =====
 +**Distributive FFTW for UNIX** is [[http://www.fftw.org/download.html|here]]. 
 +Download it (type wget with archive link location as an argument), unzip (type gunzip and tar –xvf) and install according[[http://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Installation-on-Unix.html#Installation-on-Unix|instruction here]].
 +Exactly, you should run:
 +make install
 +To install FFTW in chosen directory use 
 +./configure –prefix=your_directory_name
 +**Distributive FFTW for Windows** is [[ftp://ftp.fftw.org/pub/fftw/fftw-3.0.1-w32-pl1.zip|here]]. 
 +This archive contains files fftw3.h, fftw3.lib и fftw3.dll. 
 +You should put fftw3.dll in WINDOWS\system32 and use fftw3.h, fftw3.lib in your project.
 +===== MPICH2 =====
 +To run parallel EMTL version on Windows you can install [[http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2/downloads/index.php?s=downloads|MPICH2]] (see corresponding instructions).
 +====== Content of EMTL archive ======
 +  * include - EMTL include files
 +  * vs10/Release/libemtl.lib – MS Visual Studio 10 library, release version
 +  * vs10/Debug/libemtl.lib – MS Visual Studio 10 library, debug version
 +  * unix/_gcc/lib_emtl.a – g++ library
 +  * unix/_gcc_mpi/lib_emtl.a – g++ library, MPI version
 +  * tests - folders with some examples (scattering on sphere, etc.)
 +  * test/test_mie - example with scattering on a sphere
 +  * tests/_example_folder_/vs10 - project file for compilation on Windows with MS Visual Studio 10
 +  * tests/_example_folder_/unix - makefile for compilation on UNIX
 +To make your own example you should start your *.cpp file with 
 +<code cpp>
 +#include "uiexp.h";
 +and define numerical experiment there (see [[en:tutorial]]).
 +Use ready examples in tests as an illustration.
 +All necessary EMTL functions are declared in photonic/uiexp.h.
 +====== Compilation on UNIX ======
 +How to compile С++ code on UNIX and use makefiles is described [[http://www.electro.fisica.unlp.edu.ar/temas/p5/gcc.html|here]] and [[http://www.electro.fisica.unlp.edu.ar/temas/p5/make.html|here]]. 
 +===== How to compile EMTL on UNIX =====
 +You can use ready makefile (tests/test_mie/unix/Makefile).
 +We composed it using [[http://make.paulandlesley.org/multi-arch.html|Paul D. Smith rules]].
 +This Makefile compiles tests/test_mie/test_mie.cpp by default, but you can specify other file in variable SRC_MAIN. 
 +Makefile uses Makefile.arch and Makefile.target files in ivutils directory of the EMTL archive.
 +You should add your compiler settings to Makefile.arch, selecting some symbolic name. 
 +See examples in the Makefile.arch provided. 
 +The default symbolic name is _ARCH=gnu which binds with gcc compiler.
 +To compile the code for the specific configuration, change directory to tests/test_mie/unix
 +cd tests/test_mie/unix
 +type for serial version
 +make _ARCH=<your_archname>
 +and for parallel version
 +make _ARCH=<your_archname> _MPI=true
 +The corresponding binary data, including executable, will be placed in the configuration-specific directory, namely _<your_archname> or _<your_archname>_mpi.
 +The executable name is tests/test_mie/unix/_<your_archname>/test_mie.x.
 +===== Making makefile by yourselves =====
 +If you want to make your own makefile, you should:
 +  * specify paths for header files (photonic, ivutils/include and directory where you put fftw3.h)
 +  * link FFTW library
 +  * use macrodefinition USE_MPI if you compile parallel version
 +====== Compilation on Windows (Visual Studio 2010) ======
 +How to compile С++ code on Windows using Visual Studio is described [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/60k1461a%28v=vs.80%29.aspx|here]]. 
 +Here we explain some basic things you should know.
 +To create Visual Studio project you should open File > New > Project and choose Empty Project.
 +Folder that you type in Location will contain VS project files.
 +To launch the project you should open the file with extension *.vcxproj.
 +At the left side of the Visual Studio editor you can find Solution Explorer window
 +where you should add your *.cpp files.
 +As a test you can create test.cpp file with “Hello World” C++ code:
 +<code cpp>
 +#include <stdio.h>
 +int main(){
 +  printf("Hello world");
 +  return 1;
 +and add this file to your empty project. 
 +Click right button of the mouse on Source Files (or any other folder), open Add > Existing Item and choose test.cpp.
 +To compile the project choose Build > Build Solution.
 +To run it choose - Debug > Start Debugging.
 +We recommend to specify _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE in Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions to ignore unnecessary wornings during compilation.
 +Project can be compiled in two regimes: Debug and Release:
 +  * Debug allows to execute program by steps, use breakpoiners, see and change variables values. This regime is used for testing purposes.
 +  * Release does not have these options, but works faster. This regime is used for real calculations.
 +You can switch between these two regimes in Debug > Configuration Manager.
 +Compiled binary *.exe file is stored in Debug or Release folder and can be run independently on Visual Studio in Windows command line.
 +For Debug regime you should choose the following options in Project > Project Properties:
 +  * Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General. Choose Program Database (/Zi) in Debug Information Format.
 +  * Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Optimization. Choose Disabled (/Od) in Optimization.
 +  * Configuration Properties > Linker > Debugging. Choose Yes (/DEBUG) in Generate Debug Info.
 +Now you can use breakpoiners in your code
 +and execute it by steps (Debug > Step Over, Debug > Step Into, Debug > Step Out). 
 +In the bottom window Watch of VS redactor you can see variables values (type their names in Name and see results in Value).
 +You should specify the path (absolute or relative to project directory) to headers files *.h, of your code in Project > Project Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories. 
 +If this path includes more the one folders, they should be separated by commas.\\
 +If there are some library files *.lib to link with your code, they should be specified (separated by space) in Project > Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies. 
 +Default folders for header or library files should be specified in Project > Project Properties > Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories (Include Files or Library Files).
 +<html> <!--{{:install:install_windows_4.png|}} 
 +===== How to compile EMTL in Windows =====
 +You can use ready project (MS VS2010 or later) file tests/test_mie/vs10/test_mie.vcxproj.
 +===== Making project by yourselves =====
 +If you want to make your EMTL project by yourselves, you should
 +  * add *.cpp EMTL files and your *.cpp file to the project
 +  * specify paths to photonic and ivutils/include folders in Project > Project Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories
 +  * specify path to fftw3.h and fftw3.lib files in Visual Studio Tools > Options > Project and Solutions > VC++ Directories (Include Files and Library Files)
 +  * if you use MPICH2, you should specify paths 'Program Files\MPICH2\bin', 'Program Files\MPICH2\include', 'Program Files\MPICH2\lib' in in Visual Studio Tools > Options > Project and Solutions > VC++ Directories (Executable Files, Include Files and Library Files).
 +  * specify linked library files (fftw3.lib and mpi.lib if you use MPICH2) in Project > Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies
 +  * if you compile parallel version you should use macrodefinition USE_MPI in Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions
 +To debug parallel version on MPICH2 with Visual Studio (works only with Visual Studio Professional) you should choose MPI Cluster Debugger in Project > Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging > Debugger to launch and fill following fields in the corresponding menu:
 +  * MPIRun Command: mpiexec.exe
 +  * MPIRun Arguments: localonly n (n – number of working threads)
 +  * MPIRun Working Directory: $(OutDir)
 +  * MPIShim Location: path to mpishim.exe (for example, C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE/Remote Debugger/x86/mpishim)
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