
EMTL is developed by Kintech Lab. The code consists of an open acess library (EMTL base) and proprietary extensions. The extensions include mostly performance-optimized FDTD and data analysis algorithms. All source code and precompiled binaries currently available from this site (including parts of EMTL base library) are provided for open access under the terms of wxWindows Library License.

We are currently working on restructuring the free base EMTL library source code, documenting and making it ready for open access. Until this is done one can either use the precompiled versions of EMTL library or request the source code (EMTL full) in its current state from Kintechlab. See details in download section.

EMTL library development team:

Testing, validation and calculations:

When publishing the results of scientific simulations obtained with the help of EMTL please cite one of the following papers: